BIENVENIDOS A SABOR YAQUI. Where you can find a variety of salsas and our specialty  home made SALSA SABOR YAQUI and our Chiles CHILTEPIN straight from SONORA thank you so much for visiting.

Sabor yaqui

About yaqui culture. Many Yaqui in Mexico live on reserved land in the state of Sonora. Others formed neighborhoods (colonias or colonies) in various cities. In the city of Hermosillo, colonies such as El Coloso, La Matanza, and Sarmiento are known as Yaqui districts; Yaqui residents there continue the culture and traditions of the Yaqui Nation.our hard working families work hard to provide a lot of this products on my website. it is appreciate it with all my heart because I can provide and help them by giving them work SABOR YAQUI FAMILY THANKS YOU.


El chiltepín generalmente se recolecta en estado silvestre cuando aún presenta una maduración incompleta, para posteriormente ponerse a secar, es común que en la zona rural forme parte del huerto familiar, junto con otras plantas de uso común , de nuestras tierras a tu mano con sabor yaqui.